
Meeting with Goldberg the Plan Administrator

Michael: Do you need me to sign anything? Goldberg: No, we don't need you to sign anything. Listen, we understand first of all, you're not the normal one of these guys . You're a doctor and that comes with some veracity right there. So let me just explain to you. Mike, I am the plan administrator. I have been doing, serving as a fiduciary in cases, not quite like this, but in big cases where I manage litigation, I've been doing that. My first assignment was in 1994. So doing it for 30 years, I have sued all sorts of companies: banks, accounting firms, law firms, board of directors. If there's a valid lawsuit to be brought that can benefit the bankruptcy estate, and I talk in terms of the estate, because money comes in and then water falls down in a priority scheme that I didn't create, I inherited. But I don't shy away from litigation. If somebody did something wrong, I will sue them, provided I have a valid cause of action and the ability to recover funds. ...